2:35 PM
Time and time again science has shown that pets have an overwhelmingly positive effect on our mental health. Just petting an animal for a short period can boost your mood and sense of well-being! Owning one can reduce feelings of isolation, feelings of loneliness and even depression.
With October being Mental Health Month, let’s take a moment to recognise all the mental health benefits of pet ownership! Studies have found pet owners, including children and adolescents to have higher levels of self-esteem. Teenagers who own pets have a more positive outlook on life and report less loneliness, restlessness, despair and boredom.
This is in part due to companionship and touch. One study found that even just a few minutes of stroking our pet dog prompts a release of "feel good" hormones such as serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.
The physical contact we have with pets can lower heart rates and increasingly pets are being used in therapy, childcare and in aged care homes to improve well-being.
Dogs in particular have been known to assist with mental health. A study found that when nursing home residents were left alone with a dog, they felt less lonely than when other people joined in on the visit. After all, pets don’t judge or argue. They adore you no matter how you look or feel!
Pets are great caregivers. Even those that aren’t trained as assistance pets, will keep us company when we’re sick or feeling down. They can make us feel safe while we’re home alone and they keep an eye on the house while we’re out. The countless videos of pets looking after and even saving their owners and other animals is a testament to this.
Having a pet to love and care for is a huge responsibility, and with this responsibility comes a sense of purpose. The routines we build around our pets - providing food, water, exercise and socialisation - also help to improve our health.
Walking the cat outdoors is really a thing! |
Then, there are the obvious benefits such as increased exercise from having a pet to walk or play with, particularly with dogs. Doing regular physical activity is a great way to help prevent or manage mild depression. Dogs can be great motivators and personal trainers, never wanting to miss a training session no matter the weather.
Walking also has added social benefits. Whether you are meeting new people at the park, through pet training, competitions, walking groups or even just taking them for a stroll around the block – pets are a great conversation starter. More and more workplaces are welcoming pets too, giving you and your colleagues something to bond over!
Lastly, pets can even help boost our immune systems and reduce our susceptibility to pet allergies, which can improve our quality of life and well-being. Growing up with a dog (and other pets to a lesser extent) during infancy can help to strengthen the immune system, with studies showing that growing up with a pet in your first year of life reduces your chances of having pet allergies and your risk of developing asthma. Another study found that petting a dog for just 18 minutes raised levels of immune system antibodies in college students' saliva.
With the countless mental and physical benefits pet ownership brings, we are on a mission to make sure pets are welcomed in Australia, beginning with changing the rental laws in each state to make having a pet more accessible.
Victoria’s rental reforms have recently passed, making it harder for landlords to include “no pets” clauses, and we’re hoping other states will follow suit. These “no pets” clauses lead to thousands of pets being given up to pounds and rescue organisations every year.
When we welcome pets into Australian homes, we are not only saving thousands of animal’s lives, but are clearly improving the lives of everyday people whose pets offer emotional and social connection and boost confidence and well-being.
written by Anneke van den Broek, founder and CEO of Rufus & Coco - October 2018
About Anneke van den Broek
written by Anneke van den Broek, founder and CEO of Rufus & Coco - October 2018
About Anneke van den Broek
Anneke van den Broek founded Rufus & Coco in 2008 to create a different kind of pet brand – one that offered inspired, trusted and original products.
Having owned more than 40 pets in her life, Anneke had experienced the frustration of seeing unfashionable and poorly made products, as well as a lack of natural alternatives. Identifying this gap in the market, along with the sweeping global trend towards pet humanization, she set about developing quality ‘Best of Breed’ products that would make a genuine difference in the lives of pets and their owners.
Having owned more than 40 pets in her life, Anneke had experienced the frustration of seeing unfashionable and poorly made products, as well as a lack of natural alternatives. Identifying this gap in the market, along with the sweeping global trend towards pet humanization, she set about developing quality ‘Best of Breed’ products that would make a genuine difference in the lives of pets and their owners.
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